Monday 5 October 2009

Hollyoaks Later

Hollyoaks Later-Essay Plan
How does 'Hollyoaks Later' help to attract the target audience?
Introduction paragraph- mention the target audience and briefly explain how 'Hollyoaks Later' attracts the audience
First paragraph- general information about 'Hollyoaks later', when it started and who it was aimed to attract etc. How subjects that cannot be discussed within usual 'Hollyoaks' are revealed throughout 'Hollyoaks' Later e.g. sex, drug abuse and more extreme violence
Second paragraph- The reason for 'Hollyoaks Later' and what age group/audience is attracted to the time that it is on t.v
Third paragraph- About the characters that are selected to be within the storylines in 'Hollyoaks Later', whether they are new or regular characters
Fourth Paragraph- The contast in 'Hollyoaks' and 'Hollyoaks Later' and whether other soaps
Fifth Paragraph-Discuss whether 'Hollyoaks Later' is a success or not, maybe include some audience figures for proof
Conclusion-mentioned valid points and conclude