Monday 1 February 2010

Film Magazine Front Cover research

Here are some Film Magazine front covers from the U.K's two largest sellers 'Empire' and 'Total Film' that I have used as research and influence for my own film magazine 'Film Frenzy'. I have used these as examples as 3 out of 4 of them include the character(s) rather than just the actor/actress featured on the front of the cover, I think this works very effectively as it attracts and informs the audience to the most exclusive films at that current time although exclusive interviews with actors/actresses can also have a positive affect on the audience depending on the popularity of the star in which they are to read about. Therefore we have decided to include our actor 'in character' on the front of our magazine 'Film Frenzy' front cover as it seems to be much more affective on the audience and we feel that the magazine front covers that have the character instead of the actor/actress him/herself is more gripping e.g. our favourite example is 'The Dark Knight's' 'Joker' due to the fact that it is one of the scenes taken from the film but also how the make up that Heath Ledger was put in, in the photograph was then colour co-ordinated with the texts and fonts used on the film magazine front cover and this is what we intend to do with our own advertising campaign.


This is a selection of our teaser trailer storyboards all put together to create an animatic film. It reveals some of the shots in which we are considering using when we film our trailer e.g. in the first shot we used a medium close up on the reporter's face to draw the audience's attention to the reporter and what she is presenting, also we have researched other interviews/reports in institutions such as 'E! Entertainment' and 'GMTV's Entertainment Interviews' observing how they use conventions such as these which therefore influenced our ideas for filming.