Thursday 3 December 2009

Audience Questionnaire

Film Questionnaire.

What age group are you?
12-15 16-19 20-25 26-30 30 +

What gender are you?
Male Female

Do you enjoy watching horror movies?
Yes No

If you replied'Yes' in the previous answer, What sort of horror movies do you like? (Select as applicable)
Psychological Slasher Supernatural Macabre (gothic)
Suspense None

Do you think trailers are important in deciding whether you want to see an upcoming film?
Yes No

In your opinion do trailers reveal too much about the film?
Yes No Sometimes n/a

Do you have a preferred actor/actress that you would like to see in an upcoming horror?
Name______________________ No preference

Does a film poster contribute to your interest in a film?
Yes No

Do you read film magazines, if so which ones?
Yes No

In relation to the last question, would reading exclusive material on an upcoming film encourage you to see it?
Yes No

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire.


  1. Well done Genevieve, you have updated your blog with useful images and segments of analysis. You may have found uploading a table or graph of your questionnaire results more helpful.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
