Tuesday 1 December 2009

Horror Film Poster Research

This is also a teaser trailer for the 2009 3d feature 'My Bloody Valentine'. This was an effective poster to use for horror film research as it contrasts with both the 'Saw' and 'H2' poster as the suspect and the victim are both featured on the front, however the suspect, holding an axe is only a silhouette giving the audience the smallest hints of narrative possible in attempt to retain mystery. This is an idea that we are definately considering as this convention would attract an audience to a horror poster as they would be curious.

This is a teaser poster for the recent Halloween release, 'Halloween 2'/'H2' as it releases little information e.g. only the title, director and the date of release. I have used this poster in my research as it contrasts with the 'Saw' poster due to the fact that the suspect is featured on the front of the poster, rather than the victim, helping me to gather ideas as to what characters I will include on my main poster. I think that the appreviation of 'H2' in fiery colours is effective as it suggests that the audience are already familiar with the the 'Halloween' series. The teaser poster for 'Saw' is similiar to 'H2' as the infamous 'Michael Myers' is featured also in black and white suggesting dark content.

This is a teaser poster that was released for the film 'Saw'. I have included this poster in my film poster research as I think that it portrays typical conventions of a horror poster due to its colours e.g. the bright red and black and the black and white image enhances with blood red on only certain aspects of the nurse, this poster suggests the narrative as we can tell that the nurse is the victim due to the expression on her face, this is an aspect of horror posters that I wanted to research to see which of my characters should be included on the front. I have also used this poster in my research as I wanted to explore what taglines horror posters use. This gave me some ideas as to what colours I am going to include in my film poster and what my tagline may be.

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