Friday 26 March 2010

Photographs from First attempt Filming

Here are a few images that I took during our first attempt of filming to show our setting for the interview style that we were trying to create and what equipment we used to set the scene such as the curtains, the interview style chairs facing eachother and our actor interacting with the camera as we were going to include a scene where we had our actor comunicating with the director as we had seen this many times in example interviews that we used in our research. However the time limit on filming was getting more closer to an end and we had to change our setting from the one featured in these photographs as it was unavailable for use most days therefore we were restricted to what filming equipment we could use as props in that extra scene. We then decided not to include it after all as it was also using up too much time and 'teaser trailers' only usually have a time limit of 30-90 seconds ideally.

Monday 22 March 2010

'Avenge' Teaser Trailer Final

This is our final version of our 'Teaser Trailer' 'Avenge'.

Film Magazine Front Cover Final

This is our Film Magazine front cover for our own Film Magazine named 'Film Frenzy' we decided to name it this as it sounded catchy and memorable due to the alliteration and we thought we would have two words instead of one as it utilises the page space better but we also noticed in our research how 'Total Film' magazine had also done this therefore we followed media conventions by this. We decided to use a colour scheme within our taglines of grey, red and white to emphasise the horror-esque theme of this particular issue but we also only used just three colours so that our audience would not be distracted from what is intended to attract in taglines for example 'Top Ten Villians of the Decade'- We used 'Top Ten Villians of the Decade' to again connote the horror theme and focus the issue around our character that stars in our film 'Avenge'. We also used some of our classmates film names 'La Femme', 'Unbalanced' and 'Snapshot Reloaded' to use examples of promotion and advertising films. We used Jimmy (our main star) as the main image on the front for the audience's attention to be mainly focused on him. We used typical media conventions as we imported a barcode, date of issue, price and country of sale on our magazine front cover as magazines of all genres include these aspects. We also decided to include a website '' on the front of the magazine that the audience could access to use an example of viral marketing.

Friday 12 March 2010

Film Poster Research

Here is a variation of Horror film posters that we used as research and inspiration for our own poster. We have identified the fact that every single poster featured uses red in at least one aspect of the poster and it seems to be an incredibly popular idea for the main titles especially. We have also observed that many of these examples include quotations from well respected film magazines and newspaper review snippets- this is an idea that we took into account whilst creating our film poster but decided not to as we did not want people's attention to refrain from the main title.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Film Magazine Front Cover Ideas & Development

Here is a black and white version that we sampled for the film magazine front cover but we decided not to use this version as the grey tones were too similiar to the grey fonts that we had used on the taglines and titles. This is the final edited version of the image that we placed onto our magazine front cover, here the brightness and contrast, hue and saturation and exposure was hightened to highlight Jimmy's face more and to show how he is in the spotlight and is the main character in focus.
This image has been cropped and outlined with the lasso tool on 'Abode Photoshop Elements' ready to be placed onto the film magazine front as there background on that is also black so it will instantly blend. The next stage in editing for this image would be to alter the lighting, brightness and contrast and saturation to add more colour to and to define Jimmy's face more.

This is the original un-edited version of the final photograph that we used for our film magazine front cover. We knew that we were going to cut out all of the background in this image and just use the outline of Jimmy's frame to place in the centre of the film magazine front cover. We also knew that we were going to have to alter the lighting as it appeared to be quite shiny on Jimmy's face in this original image, we also needed to alter the red-eye that appeared from where I used the flash as it was night time. This is one of the un-edited images that we used as part of our ideas for our film magazine front cover. We decided not to use this image as the model that we used was not pulling the right expression that we were looking for so we decided to see if it would work better with Jimmy looking downwards and to the side, this proved to work better for a more sullen and mysterious look linking to the violent character that he is trying to portray on the front of the film magazine front cover.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Final Draft of 'AVENGE' Film Poster

This is the final draft of our 'AVENGE' Film Poster. We are finally happy with our poster after all the photographs that we took as ideas and selected the most successful one to edit on 'Abode Photoshop Elements' a lot of editing took place in which you can read further about in my 'Film poster ideas' blog. We think that our poster targets our 15+ target audience well as we used a girl of similiar age on the front for this purpose, we also decided to get some 'audience feedback' to see what people thought of our poster and to test whether it did reach our target audience expectations- all of this information is included in my 'Audience Feedback' blog.

Monday 8 March 2010

Development of Film Poster

This is our final draft of our film poster. This is the fully edited version that we have blown up larger. Originally we did have the small print, actors/actresses names and release date in white as we thought it would match the background but we decided that black would be more legible for the audience and we also thought that it had more of a horror take on the poster.

This is the final draft our our 'teaser' poster, like the final draft of our film poster we decided for the black text to remain the same, the only difference is it has no small print as we noticed in our research of other 'teaser' posters that they too did not include small print just simple a rough release date or 'coming soon'.

This is what our 'teaser' poster looked like with white text instead, we also experimented with putting a website address underneath the 'coming soon' just to see what it looked like but we thought we would keep it simple but effective with just a 'coming soon' as 'teaser' posters included very little information enabling a suspense to build up as the audience gradually finds out about this new release.

This photograph is the final image that will be included on the final draft of our film poster, all that is left to include is small print and the actor and actress's name for it to be complete.

This is an example of attempting to edit the title, here we used ' Adobe Photoshop elements'. We used many tools such as 'the 'lasso tool' and 'eraser' to edit the title and text of our film name 'Avenge'- here we tried to create a bruised effect mixing the colours purple, yellow and green on to her skin, however this was proving quite difficult and it did not look like what we imagined it to but later on in the proccess we discovered the 'burn tool' on photoshop enabling us to score the name 'Avenge' onto Grace's chest making it look much more realistic and horror-esque.

This is another stage in the development of our film poster, again we used 'photoshop elements' here we edited using the 'brightness and contrast tool', 'levels', 'hue and saturation' to give Grace a washed out and pale look to indicate that she is the victim in our film. We also 'cropped' the image to abolish any uneccassary space and the 'lasso' tool to cut out any excess background and to define her jawline so that the screaming position of her mouth would be the main focus of the audience's attention.

This is what the original image that we used for editing looked like, as you can see we have cut out the background in which we can see part of Grace's t-shirt and hair and changed to background to plain white enabling everything from just below her eyes to be the main focus.

This was one of the images we took whilst trying to get the perfect shot/angle of Grace's face for the film poster. This image was not suitable as it included too much of Grace's t-shirt and we wanted the top of her neckline and chest to be bare to portray the innocence of her character. Also, it is incorrect as part of her nose is cut out at the top of the photograph and we wanted this to be included.

This was one of the photographs ideas that I took for the film poster. We decided not to use this image as the official film poster image as we decided that we could not work with it for it to become a horror based image as it looks more like an image used for a 'romance' or 'rom-com' due to the 'love' necklace that Grace is wearing and the pale pink scarf was covering up the focus point in which we were going to place the title.