Monday 8 March 2010

Development of Film Poster

This is our final draft of our film poster. This is the fully edited version that we have blown up larger. Originally we did have the small print, actors/actresses names and release date in white as we thought it would match the background but we decided that black would be more legible for the audience and we also thought that it had more of a horror take on the poster.

This is the final draft our our 'teaser' poster, like the final draft of our film poster we decided for the black text to remain the same, the only difference is it has no small print as we noticed in our research of other 'teaser' posters that they too did not include small print just simple a rough release date or 'coming soon'.

This is what our 'teaser' poster looked like with white text instead, we also experimented with putting a website address underneath the 'coming soon' just to see what it looked like but we thought we would keep it simple but effective with just a 'coming soon' as 'teaser' posters included very little information enabling a suspense to build up as the audience gradually finds out about this new release.

This photograph is the final image that will be included on the final draft of our film poster, all that is left to include is small print and the actor and actress's name for it to be complete.

This is an example of attempting to edit the title, here we used ' Adobe Photoshop elements'. We used many tools such as 'the 'lasso tool' and 'eraser' to edit the title and text of our film name 'Avenge'- here we tried to create a bruised effect mixing the colours purple, yellow and green on to her skin, however this was proving quite difficult and it did not look like what we imagined it to but later on in the proccess we discovered the 'burn tool' on photoshop enabling us to score the name 'Avenge' onto Grace's chest making it look much more realistic and horror-esque.

This is another stage in the development of our film poster, again we used 'photoshop elements' here we edited using the 'brightness and contrast tool', 'levels', 'hue and saturation' to give Grace a washed out and pale look to indicate that she is the victim in our film. We also 'cropped' the image to abolish any uneccassary space and the 'lasso' tool to cut out any excess background and to define her jawline so that the screaming position of her mouth would be the main focus of the audience's attention.

This is what the original image that we used for editing looked like, as you can see we have cut out the background in which we can see part of Grace's t-shirt and hair and changed to background to plain white enabling everything from just below her eyes to be the main focus.

This was one of the images we took whilst trying to get the perfect shot/angle of Grace's face for the film poster. This image was not suitable as it included too much of Grace's t-shirt and we wanted the top of her neckline and chest to be bare to portray the innocence of her character. Also, it is incorrect as part of her nose is cut out at the top of the photograph and we wanted this to be included.

This was one of the photographs ideas that I took for the film poster. We decided not to use this image as the official film poster image as we decided that we could not work with it for it to become a horror based image as it looks more like an image used for a 'romance' or 'rom-com' due to the 'love' necklace that Grace is wearing and the pale pink scarf was covering up the focus point in which we were going to place the title.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You need to evaluate the processes you went through in more detail
    a)what were your original ideas for hte genre? Horror obviously but why?
    b)evaluate whether or not you achieved your original plan with the poster.
    c) what could you have improved? what you believe worked best?
    Mrs H
