Friday 12 March 2010

Film Poster Research

Here is a variation of Horror film posters that we used as research and inspiration for our own poster. We have identified the fact that every single poster featured uses red in at least one aspect of the poster and it seems to be an incredibly popular idea for the main titles especially. We have also observed that many of these examples include quotations from well respected film magazines and newspaper review snippets- this is an idea that we took into account whilst creating our film poster but decided not to as we did not want people's attention to refrain from the main title.


  1. What has this research contributed to your ideas? Evaluate its usefulness.
    Mrs H

  2. The usefulness of these horror posters that we researched enabled us to gather ideas and inspirations of what we wanted our own horror poster to look like but also to evaluate what works/does not work and what is attractive/not attractive in grabbing an audience’s attention concerning horror posters. I feel that the use of the colour red works well to attract an audience and it also seems to be a convention of horror genre as it connotes the content of the film which then implies whom it is targeted at (15-25) however we did not use the colour red on our poster as it would have looked far to similar to the ‘Jennifer’s Body’ and TV series ‘True Blood’ posters. Instead we used an image of Grace that holds rather bright colours (except the titles and small print) and quite dark colours such as black titles and small print as many of these posters did this too. We also used the burn tool on Photoshop to print our title ‘Avenge’ to make it look as if it was scars and bruises in colours between purple to brown, on Grace’s chest as well as editing Grace’s skin to look very pale to emphasise how she is the victim that looks ill. I feel this challenges the conventions of these example posters that we have used but it still gives the audience a sense of mystery and then they would hopefully be intrigued by the film poster alone. This is the way in which we implied the content (including violence) through our poster.
