Wednesday 10 March 2010

Final Draft of 'AVENGE' Film Poster

This is the final draft of our 'AVENGE' Film Poster. We are finally happy with our poster after all the photographs that we took as ideas and selected the most successful one to edit on 'Abode Photoshop Elements' a lot of editing took place in which you can read further about in my 'Film poster ideas' blog. We think that our poster targets our 15+ target audience well as we used a girl of similiar age on the front for this purpose, we also decided to get some 'audience feedback' to see what people thought of our poster and to test whether it did reach our target audience expectations- all of this information is included in my 'Audience Feedback' blog.

1 comment:

  1. Analyse the final effectiveness of the decisions you made about your poster.
    a) Pose - why? connoting what?
    b) colours - why? effective?
    c) font and colour of title - worth the time spent?
    d) camera angles
    Evaluate their success and what they represent for your target audience.
    Mrs H
